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R-sp Classes and methods for spatial data
R-spacetime Classes and methods for spatio-temporal data
R-splancs Spatial and space-time point pattern analysis
R-statmod Miscellaneous biostatistical modeling functions
R-wle Weighted Likelihood Estimation
R-XML Tools for parsing and generating XML within R
R-xts eXtensible Time Series
R-zoo S3 Infrastructure for Regular and Irregular Time Series
randlib Library of C Routines for Random Number Generation
ruby-rb-gsl Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library
ruby-spreadsheet Ruby Spreadsheet Library to read and write Spreadsheet Documents
sc Curses-based spreadsheet program
scilab High-level scientific math programming environment with graphics
siag (V) Poor man's office suite with spreadsheet, word processor, etc
slatec Library of mathematical and statistical Fortran 77 subroutines
snns Software simulator for neural networks
speedcrunch Calculator
statist Small and portable statistics program
superlu ANSI C routine library for the solution of sparse linear systems
tasp-vsipl Vector Signal Image Processing Library
teapot Curses based spread sheet program
tex-fp Fixed point arithmetic
tex-fp-doc Documentation for tex-fp
tex-kastrup Expansible conversion into binary-based number systems
tex-kastrup-doc Documentation for tex-kastrup
texdrive Emacs mode for creating inline formulae for HTML
TinySVM Tiny Support Vector Machines
tochnog Finite Element Analysis Program
udunits Library and program for manipulating units of physical quantities
units GNU Units - a calculator capable of performing unit conversions
vista Visual statistics system
wxMaxima Graphical UI for maxima
xeukleides X-Frontend for A Euclidean geometry drawing language
xfractint Fractint for X11
xgap GUI for GAP
xldlas XForms-based statistics package
xlife John Horton Conway's Game of Life
xlispstat Statistics/X11-based LISP interpreter
xmgr Powerful XY plotting tool for workstations or X-terminals using X
xylib Library for reading powder diffraction data
yacas Yet Another Computer Algebra System
yorick Numerical algebra system (similar to Matlab)